Steel City’s von der Preis Rottweilers LLC

Rina Dark Force

Rina Dark Force

Steel City’s von der Preis Rottweilers Rina Dark Force von der Preis HD A ED Bl JLPP N/NSire: CH Tajfun von Haus Drazic Dam: Arka Dark Force Only the highest quality pups, well cared for, healthy, and adorable! Michael is very knowledgeable about the breed, takes time to teach and explain the needs of his […]

Annie Reese von der Preis

Steel City’s von der Preis Rottweilers Annie Reese von der Preis von der Preis HD / ED Pending JLPP N/N clear Dam: Fancy Face von der Preis (retired) Sire: Nanuk Dark Force Only the highest quality pups, well cared for, healthy, and adorable! Michael is very knowledgeable about the breed, takes time to teach and […]

U’Veljko Flash Rouse X Nala Dark Force – Aug 31, 2024

Steel City’s von der Preis Rottweilers U’Veljko Flash Rouse x Nala Dark Force von der Preis Born August 31, 2024 – Puppies Available! U’Veljko Flash Rouse Nala Dark Force Only the highest quality pups, well cared for, healthy, and adorable! Michael is very knowledgeable about the breed, takes time to teach and explain the needs […]

Tiffany von der Preis (Retired)

Steel City’s von der Preis Rottweilers Tiffany von der Preis von der Preis Tiffany Von Der Preis Sire CH Riko vom Beni Dam Xuma von der Preis ADRK HD – / ED +-  OFA Heart normal OFA Eyes normal  OFA Dentition full  OFA JLPP clear Only the highest quality pups, well cared for, healthy, and adorable! Michael is very knowledgeable about the […]

Paris Timit-Tor

Steel City’s von der Preis Rottweilers Paris Timit – Tor von der Preis Paris Timit Tor HD A ED 0 Jlpp N/N Heart Clear Sire Eminem von Hause Edelstein    Dam Oxana Timit Tor  Only the highest quality pups, well cared for, healthy, and adorable! Michael is very knowledgeable about the breed, takes time to teach and explain the […]

Nala Dark Force

Steel City’s von der Preis Rottweilers Nala Dark Force von der Preis NALA DARK FORCE Multi V1 Rated Sire CH EIKO OF ROYAL MUSKETEERS Dam ARKA DARK FORCE HD A ED 1, JLPP N/NHeart Clear | Long Coat gene clear  Only the highest quality pups, well cared for, healthy, and adorable! Michael is very knowledgeable about the breed, takes […]

Multi CH Lucky Luciano Junior Montagna

von der Preis Rottweilers Multi CH Lucky Luciano Junior Montagna von der Preis Candidate to International CHAMPION   LUCKY LUCIANO Junior MONTAGNAMulti ChampionJR CH Serbia CH Serbia CH BIH Multi V 1 Rated | Multi BOS| BOB Sire: Eminem von Hause Edelstein Dam INT CH Dam: INT CH Greta Junior Montagna (daughter CH Michael Corelone)  HD A ED 0 DNA (AKC […]

Marselo Dark Force

Steel City’s von der Preis Rottweilers Marselo Dark Force von der Preis Young Champion of Serbia HD B ED BL JLPP N/N Sire CH Pablo Escabor Junior Montanga Dam Nala Dark Force Only the highest quality pups, well cared for, healthy, and adorable! Michael is very knowledgeable about the breed, takes time to teach and […]